Class Chart Level
{{#if: {{{Use Special Links|}}}|[#{{{Special|}}}|{{{Special|}}}]|{{{Special|}}}}}
}}{{{Spell Advancement|}}}
{{#if: {{{Spell Progression|}}}|
{{Spell Progression|Type={{{Spell Progression|}}}|Caster Level={{{Level|}}}}}
Generates the HTML for one level in a Class Chart.
Expected values:
- Level (1-20)
- Base Attack (High,Medium,Low)
- Fort Save (High,Low)
- Ref Save (High,Low)
- Will Save (High,Low)
Optional values:
- Special (any text belonging in the "Special" column)
- Spell Advancement (e.g. "+1 to existing arcane spellcaster level")
- Use Special Links (if true, special ability has a link in the format [[#{{{Special}}}]]
Test area: